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Windystore Co.,ltd
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Product :  
notebook, camera digital, game consoles.
Dell Inspiron 1420
Dell XPS M1330
Asus G2S-A1
Apple iPhone
RIM BlackBerry 8830 World Edition
Nokia N95
Nokia N800 Internet Tablet
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Company Description:
Our company was established in 2000 and still exist until now. We trading company as notebook, camera digital, and game consoles. We sold from differnt manufacture with original accessories.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Windystore Co.,ltd
Company Type: Wholesaler/Distributor
Contact Person: Erick Hardja
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 65 -62-208301
Fax: 65-62-208303
Address: 20 Maxwell Road, 07-01 Maxwell House, Singapore
Country: Singapore
Product Categories:
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Notebook & Computers & PDA
  Computer & Computer Peripheral > Software
  Optical & Photography Equipment & Measuring Instrument > Camera
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