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Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd
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Product :  
beauty equipment, salon, medical equipment, ultrasonic, antiwrinkle, aging skin, lifting, firmness, bio light, microwave, microcurrent, facial care, massager, skin care, massager, facial care system.
Micro Current DIY (facial and body microwave massager)
Beauty Phone (Ultrasonic and bio light therapy)
Treatment Body sonic
Professional Supersonic (SONADERM 700 (New style))
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Company Description:
Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd has been certified under ISO9001 and GMP as a leading company in Taiwan. For building up long term partnership, we insist on selling the highest quality products and offering outstanding service to our customers.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Taiphone Electric Co., Ltd
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Trista Chang
Web Site:
Phone: 886-2-22989358
Fax: 886-2-22989359
Address: No.52 Wu-Chun 7 Rd., Wu-Ku Hsiang
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Health ¡® Medical ¡® Beauty ¡Ö Beauty Equipment
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